Tuesday, September 25, 2012

On Marriage

If you were a teacher and all of your students struggled or failed people wouldn't look at them... they'd look at you. So why don't we as a society approach most of our own failing systems with the same suspicions? For example, marriage is a failing institution.

Some say it's due to adultery, the ease of divorce or any number of reasons. Even though I don't dismiss those are being apart of it I feel as though marriage has been cursed by one significant change in history.

Before I get to that though I propose that we reform the contractual expectations of marriage. I suggest that marriage licenses have a term limit of or around 2 years. The idea seems novel...but name off all of the legally binding contracts that you have with the state or anyone that's eternal. The first that came to mind was life in prison but even they get the courtesy of parole.

Maybe now is a good time to explain. It is my belief that the culprit behind destroying the traditional "American" family was not the gays. It was the medical community. Living to regret obligations made in your youth seems like a dismal fate. Probably not to you Disney channel optimists though... think about it. Logic tells me that more times than not the average human will not feel the same way about another singular entity for 70 years or so.

That's not to say that love or any other fairy tale nonsense doesn't exist it is just saying that statistically you idiots have taken it way too far. So I'm in love with her and will be for one hundred years... thank God Himself that we just so happened to attend the same junior high or heaven knows I would have never married. Seems dumb? Bccause it is.

2 year contracts can be renewed and maintains the level of obligation. It also allows for the implementation of far stricter punishments for a breech of contract. Within the bounds of a two year commitment failing to deliver comes with high consequences - try breaking a cell phone contract. If you want to cheat just wait until the contract expires and don't renew. You can even keep all of your stuff since you complied.

Financial adjustments etc can be penned out every two years or so in case a non-renewal ever came to pass and because things had already been prepared in some regard it would be far less taxing on the system. For those that want to deny progress I propose that we fully embrace your pseudo-religious "sanctity" of marriage.

If marriage is to be preserved it has to be permanent. Not in theory but in practice. If you get divorce you should pay all of your possessions to society, we should be able to kill you or we should ban you from ever marrying again. Stop hedging your bets. Til death do you part is only prose until you at a .45 to the mix as enforcement.

If God put you two together I believe that you should merrily join hands on your way to the hottest most sadistic place that "love" ever invented. For all of us that realize that the game is stacked against you... maybe a change is needed.

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