Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Why I love religion

I love religion because everyone wants to talk about it but no one wants to talk about it. The premises are ingrained in everything but at the same time they make little sense. For example:

God knows all.
Sin is inevitable.
God designed the most horrific place beyond human comprehension to send those who sin.
The only way around the above is to submit to his ego.

Conclusion? God knew that he was going to send you to die eternally in a fiery pit before you even thought about submitting. - That is hilarious.

I also love that "humanistic" virtues are tawdry when talking about god or a god of some kind. God can be called angry, vengeful, wrathful, jealous and a whole slew of things but I know (and it makes me happy) that the reference to his "ego" is bothering the hell into most of you.

How is that not an egotistical approach to...well all of existence?

Call me awesome or burn.
If you call anyone else and me awesome at the same time...burn.
If you don't call me awesome despite me killing your family for sport...burn
If you don't think I'm awesome despite me creating evil, your ability to reason/critique and free-will.
Many will claim to be me and you should question them...if you question me you burn.
            - This last one really bothers me... can we get a shirt color? You'll be wearing the Space Jams?
In the beginning there was me and I was just sitting in a void thinking... "I wish stuff existed to bask in my awesomeness...and then I made stuff."

It's all very comedic because at the end of the day the above is held as irrefutable even though you admit that all humans innately suck. You everything think that maybe you're going about it wrong... on account of you being human and sucking? Maybe the premises above were written down wrong...can he not be awesome without you clinging to these premises?

Misquoting/translating/interpreting seems plausible considering the context. I mean who knew there'd be 66 books and the one verse i was supposed to write got recorded? What if I was supposed to write the next 5 commandments but it was late and I didn't want to get up because then I'd have to pee - peeing is not convenient at night when demons, giants, pissed off angels, bored evil snakes and divine bets concerning if you'll roll over on the creator or not exists. I'd never leave the cave...or sleep.

If god doesn't play favorites and we are all his children why don't I have two holidays???

haha people get so sensitive - here watch this.

To be an angel is a compliment despite the fact that the great harbinger of evil is an angel and the fact that Gabriel is more like Freddy Kruger than any other person in history. You mad? haha I knew you'd be... but then again god knew you'd be too but yet he still led you to read this...why? Because immortals and mortals alike love seeing you get angered so stupidly.

I'm not saying that jesus is rofl-ing at you. Everyone knows jesus can fly. Who am I to limit him to rolling on the floor??? The hubris of some people.

Oh and if the lowercase letters bother you... I'm glad. I highly doubt the grand pub-ah of all cares about grammar. If he does and it's a hellible offense then I was screwed from the beginning anyway.

I also love that the very subject of of the above pisses people off. If every relationship with the divine is unique/personal and you are not allowed to judge... "why you mad?"

The answer is because you are an insecure clown that holds on to the idea that you and only those that think like you know the "Truth". It must truly suck to be so scared about getting a question wrong that you fail because didn't even finish the test.

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