Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Random shorts/questions

Why is it that all the professions where I want someone to be game ready (Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, etc) are said to have practices?

If ageism and age discrimination is illegal then why is statutory rape?

How can convicts pass the legal bar but medical patients can't pass fifth grade biology?

Why can't we fine employees like we fine athletes? "Negative quarter? I think not. I've been meaning to tell Susie to sit her ass down for weeks."

Has saying "football giants" every been necessary for someone's understanding? "There's dudes in NY must naturally just be huge...oh football... I get it."

If time machines were real would I end up beating my own ass for dating that one ho?

If kids' cartoons are educational then why do we let mystical creatures teach them? "Yes bobby the number three is right! No unicorns are not real you dumb bastard."

Has every serial killer in every movie taken a land navigation course or are they always just that comfortable with the area?

Are Africans just black Amish people?

Why do broke people have the most superstitions about how not to be broke?

What if Maury was illiterate and just randomly assigned babies to people?

Men hate spending money and hate women that are teases. Makes sense... Why are strip clubs so successful then?

Why do wine-o's think they are sophisticated just because they add an "o"? That's still not a real thing.

If Black people really didn't support their own race like everyone says then how in the hell would Tyler Perry or Aunt Jamima  have money?

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