Sunday, October 7, 2012

How to Think like Me

I'm about to show you what it's like to think as me for 20 minutes haha. I'm just going to start with something I feel is annoying as hell and will link all following comments with that train of thought. For example, I'm watching football and they juts gave me a local bowling update.  

1. Context does not control everything... being a bowling league badass is universally fucking lame. So tell your lame ass uncle who traded in his soul for learning to make a ball spin to shut the fuck up. oh you bowl 300s? That's so funny because it appears that you still work at Sears and live in an unmovable trailer.The President has an alley in his house and he probably sucks ass at it...he's still better than you as a human though...why? Because it's not that damn important. Unless you're Peter Weber. Yeah unless you're him kill yourself...violently. 

2. Who the fuck is buying unmovable trailers? How the fuck do you expect to dodge the tornadoes that inevitably aim for your hill billy asses? I mean shit wasn't that the one advantage besides lowering peoples' expectations without you opening your mouth?  Then again there is logic in hoping that some disaster does take out that shitty place in hopes of being able to do interviews and say "we lost our home". don't look at me funny...fuck you and fuck those overselling media whores. You saying you "lost your home" is just like a boy-scout saying he lost his when the sprinklers took out his backyard tent. 

3. Stop letting little boys get raped. Actually I'm not going to call it's more like social sacrifice. We send them in cutesy ass "uniforms" into the woods with men over 40 and then blame the men. Granted, they have a part in it too but there's a reason we keep the girl scout bitches within walking distance of the Walmart entrance. More over - I blame we as society for not editing and amending the Bible sooner. As it is now priests naturally fear sleeping with women out of wedlock because God says no but since the don't lube up altar boys commandment didn't make the cut it's an international gray area. Hell nah. 

4. Why is it that a great majority of society believes that if I'm a perfect person but commit a few subjective "sins" like believing the wrong guy said the right thing I'll burn eternally in hell but if I find a guy attempting to rape my mother I have to operate within the bounds of the Constitution? I want consistency. If you transgress I want to be able to throw you into a fucking volcano or a more conveniently found lake of fire. 

5. Speaking of the word "convenient" - is it not ironic that that's one of the most inconvenient pain in the ass words to spell? We all know that language and more specifically words are arbitrarily made up (ie "bling bling" is in the dictionary). So why don't we just take the shitty ones out? We don't have to delete them if you don't feel comfortable. Just through in a few consonants randomly and call that shit Russian. 

6. Vladimir Putin is a badass. Yet, to dictate our foreign policy we intentionally look for people to handle conflict in a way that would make them get beat up everyday of their high school careers. The presidential approach involves words and concepts such as "diplomacy" and "I won't fight you but I know some people who will in my place". They "talk" it out via translators using words that are not easy to translate. "The American people and I would greatly appreciate your acquiescence in the matter in to order to avoid further sanctions." I would pay double my taxes to have a president just lean into the mic at the U.N. and say, "We have these summits in New York just so you can see what our normal people are like. They do not give a fuck about each other. Keep that in mind the next time one of you wants to start some shit. Yeah yeah peace, love and soul but don't confuse us with these Canadian bitches. We will fuck you up. Ask a three tittied Japanese bitch." 

7. Japan is the most technologically advanced culture on the planet but they can't locate where the fuck an 18 story lizard goes when he leaves the shore? Sonar bitches. Sonar. And what the fuck does he want? Just to stomp around and break shit whenever he feels like it? Damn. Godzilla is Japan's ex girlfriend.

8. Stereotypes about women are wrong. It's wronger that some of these bitches continue to live them out like it's something to aspire to. Why is it that every generation of male across race, creed and culture can all laugh and agree about the same shit that you do?? Hell even my dog nods to 99 problems. I take it back. I'm offended that human women can be referred to as female dogs. Dogs can be trained and are mans' best friend. Women are much more like cats. Cats will hate you for a reason...or if they fucking feel like it. 

9. Who the hell is in charge of personifications? Women = bitches but yet they hate men who are dogs? Dumb. But if I told you I saw this cat our there dancing like an idiot that means a man was dancing like a jackass. More over how is everything else related to a women described in terms of "cat fights", "pussy" etc. 

10. Why am I the only one comfortable enough to admit that I will love a horrible movie for shallow reasons? ie Catwoman. Halle in a catsuit? Deserved the oscar - fuck you Million Dollar Baby. I know it's good technically but on the whole it's about a mediocre fighter getting paralyzed...that shit's depressing and lacks content. The content of Halle in a catsuit. Oh I'm the only one that's this barbaric..? Explain how she won an Oscar for Monster Ball then.  

11. In hindsight was Clint Eastwood coaching her or the stool? haha With his affinity for furniture and given the fact that the stool unquestionably could be debated. Better question...why is it that Americans are so willing to attribute intelligence to people as though it's the prerequisite for talent in all fields. I'm sick and tired of "oh you're good at acting, sports or fucking black people on camera (hey Kim!) so you must have cogent thoughts on politics or anything else relevant to the civilized world." 

12. I'm tired of illogical people preaching to me. If God can do all things - can He lie to you just for His own amusement? No? Then you don't really believe that all things are possible now do you? ha. Yeah I guess that may be a little too advanced for your deduction or reasoning skills. 

13. Why is it that logic can only apply to certain situations or certain groups? For example, if I run at the police with a painted BB Gun and they shoot me in the face then it's not regarded as murder or anything of the like. It's written up as a "police assisted suicide." This may tip the legal scales against me in the future but fuck it I have a legal team in training (shout out to S. Rocio and company) so I'll tell you right now - if I feel that it's warranted or if you just piss me off too early on a Monday, my defense will most certainly be that it was a Nimmer Assisted Suicide. 

And that's 20 minutes of me writing down my average thoughts... does that mean I consider and disregard better shit than you've been trained by the education system to think of? Well yes of course but it's also the reason that I can't be normal and give a damn about 98% of what you probably deem important. Who's to say which is better? Well obviously upon understanding the aforementioned -I am. So I guess I and those like me win in the end. But if it makes you feel better we don't take pride in beating out the likes of you. 

so mote it be,

Marc Tullius

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